Sunday, March 22, 2015

When the lights are shut off, and the church doors close ; our ministry doors open.

I believe that each Christian has some talent, some ability, and/or some gift, that enables them to proclaim the gospel to those in their sphere of influence. Whether that sphere is their workplace, their neighbors, their relatives, the store clerk, or the waitress, etc....
Yet, even though we are directed by Christ to go and spread the gospel, I can attest that I have rarely seen it put into practice.  It is talked of in church, groups are formed to promote it, heads shake in agreement of the need, but, really it is done very rarely.  

If each of us are uniquely made, which we are, then it would only stand to reason that there is some unique, individual talent, trait, or characteristic that empowers each person to connect with another person.  Maybe it is sewing, singing, or playing an instrument that opens the door to "witness".  Maybe an experience that you have struggled with yourself, now becomes an opportunity to help someone else, who is going through that same circumstance.
It is finding that common ground, that area of oneness with another, that opens the path to the saving gospel message. 
A message that only you can tell in your personal way.  It is seeing that lost person through Christs eyes and desiring their well being above your momentary self consciousness.
I know that it seems daunting, but each time you are challenged, the more fluent you become, and the more you will grow. 
So, below are a few steps I have found helpful:

First, always ask God to provide the opportunity.

Second, always keep your eyes open after asking !  
(It may be that you are the answer to your own request)

Third, always remember, who you are.
You are Christs' ambassador, His spokesman, His representative, His saint, and you have the Holy Spirit providing you strength and wisdom. Do you see how rich you are ?  Believe in Him.

Lastly, if you know that your opportunity has arrived,
be bold and know, that you are called
to take a stand in that persons eternal destiny. 
That is a great opportunity and a great responsibility.
No matter what the cost seems to you, the cost is far greater for them !

...It was very competitive to get into nursing school.  Your GPA had to be above 3.8 to even start the courses.  The training was intense and testing was totally different than just memorizing facts.  Whenever we completed a lectured course there was always the "clinical" that had to be completed, in order to pass .  The clinical was, in essence, putting what was learned in the classroom into practice.  Our first clinicals were basic;  taking temperatures, pulse, respirations, and blood pressure.  The next was learning how to fully bathe a patient while keeping dignity and privacy in check.   Eventually, you learned how to measure and dispense medication, insert a catheter while keeping a sterile field,  placing IV lines, proper documentation, etc....

And so, here is what I have been thinking about: 
The church is where we worship, fellowship with others, and learn.  Most churches have bible studies before or after worship service.   We learn biblical history, compelling facts, and also the gospel of salvation.  
This fellowship may take place on Sunday, and may only be once a week. 
But you see, our course is not finished when the lights are shut off and the church doors close. Worship glorifies God,  fellowship strengthens,  and studies give knowledge .
But until you do the "clinicals", you have helped no one but yourself.

When the church doors close, our ministry doors open.  Our week of  "clinicals" begin.

 "But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth."       Acts 1:8


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